
What We Do

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Automated & System Testing

十大娱乐平台 professionals are knowledgeable advocates who work on your behalf to ensure your system’s quality, security and performance.

十大娱乐平台’s Automated & System Testing services include the review, analysis, evaluation, inspection, and on-going testing of processes and software products.

Our testing often includes the hardware, software, applications, and documentation to ensure that the software product is being developed in accordance with your requirements, goals, and intended outcomes.

Automated and System testing solutions rapidly solve defects and create fast, self-validating, repeatable unit tests. 

十大娱乐平台’s applies our experience implementing the principles, methods, and techniques used in Automated and System Testing across all supported programs. As an ISO 9001:2008 certified provider, we employ a rigorous quality assurance program that each contract is required to follow. In addition, our CMMI-Dev level 4 certification requires active establishment, collection, monitoring, and assessment of performance indicators and metrics which provide the basis for proactive investigation and resolution of challenges, and initiate process improvement activities. Agile environments require a unique understanding of rapid development testing. Many of our testers are Certified Software Test Engineers (CSTE) as recognized by the Quality Assurance Institute or the International Software Testing Qualifications Board. 

As a successful solutions provider to the Federal Government, 十大娱乐平台 understands the operational environments of our customers. 十大娱乐平台 performs functional and non-functional software testing on twelve CMS applications/systems using both waterfall and Agile development lifecycles.  

Our approach is proactive when it comes to detecting, reporting, tracking and fixing defects quickly. We conduct independent end-to-end integrated system testing, regression testing, requirements analysis, development of test plans and test data, configuring, administering, and operating testing environment(s), executing to include validating execution of test plans and code, evaluating test results, defect identification and status reporting.

Select Automated and System Testing Past Performance

  • On the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services MACFin program 十大娱乐平台 automated testing using a behavior driven framework. At the end of each sprint, automated smoke tests and automated regression tests were developed to address specific business use case scenarios. Test automation is integrated into our Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline and is part of the overall automated DevSecOps process. Internal process reviews are performed within the test team for processes and test artifacts. An internal quality team reviews and performs audits to ensure that MACFin is compliant with the plans and CMMi processes.